Closing Thoughts and Final Advice

As the summer semester sets to a close, there are a few things I want to wrap up before then. Yes I am aware this does bring the concern that I will leave this blog forum abandoned much like before. However, I do not want this blog to go down so soon, I will keepContinue reading “Closing Thoughts and Final Advice”

Open Your Mouth. A Way to Break the Silence

Telling your problems to others is not only the first step to coming out of insecurities or growing confidence, but it can be the most challenging step to face as well. I distinctly remember when I was in my sophomore year I lost all faith in what I was going through, both high school andContinue reading “Open Your Mouth. A Way to Break the Silence”

Rainy Days Can Sometimes Be Good Days

For the past week as I write in my living room, the weather has been nothing but mucky. Once in a while there will be a great day to hop into my backyard pool, but for the most part, I cannot enjoy myself as the clouds keep blocking the sun, almost saying that it wouldContinue reading “Rainy Days Can Sometimes Be Good Days”

When Motivation Does Not Go My Way

I was never one for anything that was considered motivational. I distinctly remember in my podcast course I took in my junior year of college that some students listen to podcast series where the host keep saying motivational imagery and words. I understand the appeal and market for this kind of content. Most people areContinue reading “When Motivation Does Not Go My Way”

A New Return of Opinions Strike Back

Film is an amazing experience. As someone who has been studying and learning about this field for over four years by this point, it is both a useful tool to create and express ideas from someone as well as a way to communicate stories to a larger audience. However, in my years on the internetContinue reading “A New Return of Opinions Strike Back”

Theatre and The Perception of Comfort

As stated in my last blog, clubs are a really great way to get to know people with similar interests, creating connections that can hopefully grow as time goes on. However I wanted to save this discussion for this week since it affects how I made connections during my education years. For this post, IContinue reading “Theatre and The Perception of Comfort”

The Difficulties That Come With Clubs

One of, if not the most encouraged aspect of any school in the education system is the urge of students attending groups and clubs. In the past I have had my share of interacting with people who had similar interests like me, however there were times where theses relationships did not flourish any further. OneContinue reading “The Difficulties That Come With Clubs”

Broken Bridges, Can They Be Fixed?

As a graduate student, I have had my share of interacting with people that I either lost connections with or the times changed and it worked against me. For many of these instances, it is a loss that it reverts me back to square one rebuilding relationships, and keeping tabs on the ones I stillContinue reading “Broken Bridges, Can They Be Fixed?”

Self-doubt and Resolutions Around It

One of the reasons why enclosed and shy people are the way they are is the amount of self-doubt in themselves. This can be attributed from many reasons such as past experiences, family or personal dilemmas, or the concern of the unknown. Despite all of these issues originating from a variety of starting points, self-doubtContinue reading “Self-doubt and Resolutions Around It”

Introductions and Current Isolated Problems

It has been a while since I last used this website, with the main function only being used for work related material in my junior year. However, I feel like now will be a better use for this account, since I will be blogging about more serious topics. One of which, the fear of isolationContinue reading “Introductions and Current Isolated Problems”

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