When Motivation Does Not Go My Way

Inspirational Quotes To Keep You Motivated For Life Success

I was never one for anything that was considered motivational. I distinctly remember in my podcast course I took in my junior year of college that some students listen to podcast series where the host keep saying motivational imagery and words. I understand the appeal and market for this kind of content. Most people are in fact lazy and do not have the strength to complete what they want to do. However, for me personally, I just never got the appeal to it. I do not want to listen to a 30 plus minute long monologue or phrases of some man barking down on me to get me off my couch. All the while, loud intense music booming through my earphones. I really did not plan on these blog posts to be considered a motivational place for people to remove all insecurities on their problems, though I am not against it if you are one of those people. My intentions for this blog forum is to give off advice and recommendations to those who struggle with fence sitting when it comes to make social interactions, whether that be online or in person. I never once had the intent of me forcing my dogma and ideas to the reader in order to fully break out of their shell. That is why as a replacement, I want to give off some methods and ways I learned to use motivation to my advantage rather than it taking over my life, unlike so many other forms of motivational content.

              For starters, think about what is a major priority at the moment and taking it one step at a time. Instead of solely worrying about what is coming in the next months, focus on what is going to happen in the next week or upcoming days. This will allow you to understand the bigger picture and being successful when the time comes. Another strong method I found entirely helpful is to set schedules. If you are not one for writing reminders down on sticky notes or even on a phone’s calendar application, always keep deadlines in the back of your head, that way you know what is more important. However, I place all my reminders on a lose schedule. That way not everything is done in the same routinely time frame. One morning I would want to spend time to myself and relax, and the next morning I plan to get all the work done I plan to do that day at the start rather than later. This helps schedules be flexible on what should be done and when depending on the day and other outsider circumstances. Having a fixed schedule can only complicate things if some outside force interrupts the schedule that was already planned beforehand. This is how I control motivation to get done for me, knowing the higher priorities that have to be achieved by the deadline and when would be the perfect opportunity to work on it. Lastly, deadlines should be self-made and not ordered or placed by others. Of course, some assignments and projects should be done by a specific deadline, but if there is dead space in between that time period, then it is encouraged to make a new deadline before the proper one to get that assignment done sooner than later. That way there is more time to proofread flaws and having a secondhand source read the paper and offer advices. With some of these tactics, motivation is not pressed towards a person who is lazy, but instead, the person used the motivation to complete work on their time.

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